Paintings and commissions
Available to commission anything from animals, figurative portraits and landscapes using a range of mediums including paint and graphite on high quality cotton canvas or artistic paper.
Below are a few samples of previous commissioned pieces.

Paintings and prints available for sale.
Caitlin Fielder original paintings and prints sending throughout Europe and shipping internationally.

• H a p p i n e s s •
Her happiness radiates through this drawing, she truely was a pleasure to draw. Original and prints available. 9in x 12in 90lb medium tooth cream paper - high quality prints available any size.

• The body hold •
I enjoyed playing around with different techniques and painting methods on this acrylic on canvas painting. The original painting is still available; prints also available on request.
Selected past works.

The Art of Old Faces
I found this photograph by Apel Photography of a beautiful lady from Nusa Penida. This shot struck a chord with me and evoked an array of emotions. Every mile of her wearisome road etched into the lines of her face carrying the burden of knowledge.
Her expression continues to mesmerise me.
Pencil on paper 12" x 17"

This is a pencil portrait drawing I drew of my Pop for my Mum. I was very close with my grandfather, and his eyes and intense gaze was what I remember the most about him. I wanted to keep the focus of the drawing just on this.
Graphite on paper 12" x 17"